Computational Methods in Engineering I (C Programming). Will follow same format as Summer, 1998 and Winter, 1999.
Programming for Multitasking Operating Systems. The Winter, 1999 course went well but I intend to improve it. We are still using the Unix for the Impatient text for the user topics, but will use a new textbook, Linux Application Development, for the programming topics.
Systems Programming II (C++ Programming). This will be an intensive introduction to the C++ programming language and object oriented programming. Like Dr. Bough, we will use the Visual C++ programming environment.
Coming soon...
Computational Methods in Engineering I (C Programming). Unless I am hit by a truck, I will most likely be teaching this class again.
Java Programming with Internet Applications. I have been charged with spec'ing out a brand new course involving Java Programming. It will be an upper division course with ECE 40 or ICS 23 as a prerequisite. That is, we assume that you know C++ and will teach it accordingly.
Programming for Multitasking Operating Systems. Here, also, is a link to Dr. Klefstad's ICS 54 page. Final enrollment was 15 students.
Computational Methods in Engineering I (C Programming). Final class enrollment was approximately 196. Course followed same format as Summer, 1998.
Computational Methods in Engineering I (C Programming). Enrollment was approximately 40 students. Course restructured to spend 8 weeks on topics through functions, and only two weeks on arrays and pointers.
Computational Methods in Engineering I (C Programming). Final class enrollment was approximately 158. Course spent 5 weeks on topics through functions, and fives weeks on arrays and pointers.